by Shaun Chamberlin | Jan 20, 2013 | All Posts, Climate Change, Cultural stories, Favourite posts, Featured, Philosophy
When environmentalists argue amongst themselves, whether at some formal debate or late at night over a few drinks, I confidently predict that the argument will go like this.
One will say (in one form or another):
"There's no time to wait for radical change or revolution; the crisis is overwhelmingly urgent, we simply have to act within the frameworks we have now".
by Shaun Chamberlin | Jun 9, 2010 | All Posts, Climate Change, Cultural stories, Favourite posts, Peak Oil, TEQs (Tradable Energy Quotas), The Transition Timeline, Transition Movement Christopher Fraser of London Transition has kindly transcribed the above popular interview with Canada’s Radio Ecoshock that I posted a couple of months back....
by Shaun Chamberlin | Jun 3, 2010 | All Posts, Climate Change, Cultural stories, Favourite posts, Philosophy, Reviews and recommendations
I got back from the Dark Mountain Project’s Uncivilisation festival a few days ago, and while I could write about many of the aspects of that stimulating week, one thread it really tugged on for me was the role – the critical importance – of the arts...
by Shaun Chamberlin | Mar 28, 2010 | All Posts, Climate Change, Cultural stories, Peak Oil, TEQs (Tradable Energy Quotas), The Transition Timeline, Transition Movement Above is a 24 minute interview I did last week with Canada’s excellent Radio Ecoshock. The full 60 minute show can be heard here. Dark Optimism readers may also...
by Shaun Chamberlin | Jan 5, 2010 | All Posts, Climate Change, Cultural stories, Favourite posts, Politics
“Tell everybody waitin’ for SupermanThat they should try to hold on, best they can He hasn’t dropped them,Forgot them,Or anything, It’s just too heavy for Superman to lift” ~ The Flaming Lips We’ve all seen...
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