Despite the cute hypothesis that in doing so I risk damning the human race to eternal underachievement, I’m going out on a limb today and encouraging computer gaming.
I fancy the entertainment value of Oiligarchy might just do as much to shift the cultural stories around peak oil as a hundred carefully-crafted essays. It’s free, easy, doesn’t take long to play through and it might just raise a smile or two! Give it a go below, or here.
Edit – over 1.5 million plays in the first month since launch!
(you may need to wait a minute or so for the game to load – it will appear below)
gas prices are still on the rise today, we should go Alternative Fuel.~~
gas prices would steadily go up and the supply dwindle and the saudis like to increase their profit margin;”-
what is the best video game to play on your PS2?
How to contact with EmbarcaderoMan?
Thanks a lot. And Respect!
Upright drill equal! Thanx you respecting you undertaking